Application for Financing

How to Apply

At NADF, we work with you to simplify the application process on all of our financing solutions. Before submitting your application we recommend that you speak with a Business Support Officer.

A Business Support Officer will help you determine your financing eligibility and guide you through each application step.

Click the link below to book your appointment today.

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Our Application Process


  1. Speak with a Business Support Officer prior to submitting your application.
  2. An Account Manager is assigned to work with you when we receive your completed application. Your Account Manager will contact you to discuss your application.
  3. Your Account Manager will present your application to a Screening Committee. The Screening Committee will review your application to determine whether or not your project meets our criteria for financing.

There are three (3) possible outcomes from the Screening Committee:

  1. Proceed: The project meets our criteria. If you have not already done so, a business plan will be requested and an in-depth assessment will be conducted. As part of our due diligence, you may be contacted to provide additional information and/or clarification.  A recommendation for financing (approve or decline) is based on the viability of your business idea, as demonstrated in your business plan. The amount of time required to complete an assessment of your business plan depends on the complexity and completeness of your application.
  2. Deferred: The project meets some but not all of our criteria and additional information is required before a decision can be made.
  3. Declined: The project does not meet our guidelines.


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