Community Development

Comprehensive Community Planning

Shaping Sustainable Futures

At NADF, we understand the importance of planning for the future. Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) is a dynamic process that empowers communities to envision and create sustainable futures. It's about harnessing local knowledge, values, and aspirations to develop strategies that address social, economic, environmental, and cultural needs.

What is CCP?

Comprehensive Community Planning, or CCP, takes a holistic look at the community, including things like health, housing, land stewardship, language and culture, jobs and economic development, and governance.

CCPs are the big-picture plans that help ensure other plans (such as land use plans, economic development strategies, health and education plans) work together. CCPs are created by the community, for the community, and involve a high degree of community engagement in every stage of the process.

CCPs support social and economic development, long term change, community healing and well being, and the strengthening of relationships within the community.

Completed CCPs are important documents, as they:

  • set out a clear vision for the future, based on community values and priorities
  • guide the community's efforts and decision- making by providing a mandate for Chief and Council, staff and membership
  • demonstrate community organization and support around projects, when approaching funders and other partners


Download our award winning CCP toolkits:


The CCP Process

The typical CCP process takes 2 to 3 years, but the process varies between each community. The process works through 5 phases, each answering an important question about the community:

  • Where have we been? 
    Understanding community history and how we got to this point.
  • Where are we now?
    Getting a full picture of the community now through statistics, inventories, and understanding how the community sees itself.
  • Where do we want to go?
    Developing a Vision for the community's future and setting Goals to move towards in different areas of the community.
  • How will we get there?
    Gathering ideas for Actions to take to reach those Goals, then evaluating and prioritizing these ideas to create a strategy for implementing the CCP.
  • Have we arrived?
    Identifying the targets we want to hit for each of our Goals, and how to monitor and evaluate our Plan's progress. 


What We Offer

NADF provides support to communities throughout the CCP process, from getting started to putting together the final CCP document and putting the plan to work.

We work on a by-request basis with communities to provide community- level support, including:

  • Help designing the planning process and other technical planning support
  • Funding proposal development
  • Mentorship for CCP coordinators
  • Research and analysis services
  • Assistance with facilitating community engagement
  • Connecting First Nations with funding and other resources


Other CCP Services

  • Workshops and Trainings, including an Annual CCP Workshop, training sessions on specific topics, Nation-to-Nation collaboration and mentorship, and other capacity-building opportunities.
  • Tools and Templates for every stage of the process, including the CCP Toolkit, which communities can use as they undertake their CCP process.


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